By Nina Meixner & Anna Dorner. 3HLWb

On Feburary 29th and March 1st, the third year students of our school participated in a series of three hour workshops about sustainable food. This workshop was held by Mrs. Christina Hedin, a sustainable food expert from Östersund in Sweden, which is the UNESCO City of Gastronomy, and was financed by the Erasmus+ programme.
First Mrs. Hedin startet of with a PowerPoint presentation in which she introduced herself and gave us an insight in her expertise. We spent the first hour discussing certain topics revolving around food.
With our new knowlege we were put to the test by creating sustainable lunch menus in groups of 2-3. Here it was important for us to make sure that the products we were using were regional and seasonal. Interestingly, every group ended up presenting a very different types of vegaterian menus.
After each presentation Mrs. Hedin asked the group questions, for instance why we chose a certain product, where we got the ingredients from and what our thought process upon creating the menu was. This helped us to gain a deeper understanding of this topic.
In a final feedback round everyone shared one thing they had learnt/ found interesting.
And here you can find the report of Christina!