Andrea Scheiber

I had the wonderful opportunity to do this course in Barcelona in the Summer of 2022.
The course Yoga and Meditation for Educators, Be a Great Teacher, Be Your Best Self showed many different yoga techniques for different situations, e. g. in stressful times. Most importantly, I also learned how to improve my physical, mental, and emotional health with the help of yoga. I could experience different yoga styles on the basis of several poses, breathing and meditation techniques. I was also provided with the latest scientific evidence about the benefits of mind-body interventions, especially in school environments.
I really enjoyed being surrounded by many teachers from all parts of Europe. We also had the task to present our workplace and share it with the other course participants. I have learned a lot from the participants and their backgrounds.
I was also offered one free outdoor city tour in one special district of the city, called „Barrio de Gracia“, guided by a teacher who was very passionate about art and lifestyle in Barcelona. I enjoyed it very much.

All in all, the stay in Barcelona was a huge success for me, not only personally but also for my work as a teacher. To sum up, my learning outcomes are:

  • Prevent the effects of stress in educators and develop healthy strategies of dealing with the daily work demand.
  • Foster participants ability to relax.
  • Learn the best practices to improve student´s emotional balance, through practical and experiential activities.
  • Support students´ search for self-awareness and identity to enable changes in brain areas associated with attention and decision-making.
  • Learn about recent research findings in education.

The stay in Barcelona was a tremendous enrichment for me. I think Erasmus+ offers great lifelong learning opportunities, international exchanges, and the acquisition of skills to facilitate communication and teamwork. I am very grateful that I was able to take advantage of this offer.