Von Carina Brandstätter und Eva Derler, 5HLWa
On Monday, 16 January 2023, the students of the 5HLWa were invited to participate in an interactive workshop at the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz. The ECML is an institution of the Council of Europe and is based in Graz, its mission is to promote language learning and teaching in Europe.
In the workshop, Michael Armstrong from the ECML first gave an introduction to the Council of Europe and its work in the field of human rights and democracy. We learned about the importance of the work of international organisations in Europe. In the second part, we participated in an interactive workshop on multilingualism with Gabija Kiaušaitė. We looked at different languages that we speak and have learned at school as well as at home, and languages that we would like to learn. The workshop was finished off with a quiz on the ECML and language learning.